Volatility Trading System

Automated analysis execution that increases success rates and saves time.
234 people have passed this course
234 people have passed this course


A new way of executing positions

How to increase the success rate of your strategy

How to win even when the tide is against you

How to make the most of market movements

Only available in a package

This course includes:

4 topics

20 video lessons

139 minutes duration

Unlimited access to videos

Access from a smartphone


A new way of executing positions

How to increase the success rate of your strategy

How to win even when the tide is against you

How to make the most of market movements


What is VTS
Who is it suitable for?
How does it help you?
What amount to trade with
Advantages and disadvantages

Gold trading
Trendline Plus
After an impulse
Support and resistance levels
Exit a deal

Add the expert
VTS settings
Maximum risk
What to expect
Historical examples
Where to trade?
Trades Manager

What did you learn?
What to combine with


The purpose of this course is to give you an overall view and understand how the Volatility Trading System works.

We will show you specific strategies where you can apply the system and achieve better results in less time.

You will learn all the steps from adding the robot to how to use it as efficiently as possible. So you will be able to put it into practice and achieve greater profit in your trade.

You will know how to automate the process and improve the success rate of each strategy.

You will have all the information you need to make deals like us!

How are the courses conducted?

All courses are conducted in an individual form of training so that we can pay special attention to each student. In order not to engage you with a specific day and time, we have recorded the courses on videos with up to date content.

  • No restrictions on watching
  • Lifetime access
  • Watch it as many times as necessary and whenever you have the opportunity
  • Individual consultations “Mentoring”*

Our practice shows that people feel uncomfortable and are afraid to ask questions when they are in group classes, so the individual form, combined with real-time mentoring is the best learning opportunity.

For each course, we have included “Mentoring” in real-time, to which we answer the questions, discuss live trading examples directly at the trading terminal and open trades in real-time if the market allows it.

*Consultations are held by prior arrangement.

How to get access to “Volatility Trading System”?

The “Trendline Strategy“ course can’t be bought as a single course. To be eligible for this course, you have to buy the [“Volatility EA”][1004][PROGRAM].